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Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 5:15 pmBut you're correct on there only being league prizes, no overall
Gordon Whitlow1/1 5:15 pmDCs have FAAB, don't they?
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 5:15 pmNo
Gordon Whitlow1/1 5:16 pmOh, I'm forgetting.
Gordon Whitlow1/1 5:16 pm30 round, 12 teams, FAAB... sounds great!
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 5:16 pmThere are 12- and 15-team options for the Stand Alone
Gordon Whitlow1/1 5:16 pmIs it new?
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 5:17 pmUsed to be called Satellites -- just a new name
Gordon Whitlow1/1 5:17 pmRight! Satellites... that what I was thinking of...
Curtis Jones1/1 5:45 pmGeoffrey - I know I've asked this before, but can we include Cutlines in the "Best Ball" filter? It's time to build up this great format!
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 5:46 pmNo update
Joseph Jezioranski1/1 6:07 pmAnyone have the NFBC discord server link?
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 6:07 pmhttps://discord.gg/RVe3Njy8
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/1 7:16 pm4-hour 50s is SOLD OUT
michael delena1/2 7:06 amWhen can I expect payouts for the guillotine league I won? League 2144
Brian Wiley1/2 7:56 amDo you think you'll ever have H2H leagues or H2H overall prize?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 7:58 amAll final NFFC prizes are going on accounts today
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 7:58 amIf enough interest is there we could add those kinds of leagues in the future. All depends on interest
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 8:01 amNOW is the time to sign up for the NFFC Postseason Contest. TWO contests available. Main contest with $150,000 grand prize and the Mini with its $50,000 grand prize. Both listed below. Sign up today and get your spots reserved
Sean Mcneill1/2 8:12 amHow many auctions need to happen before AAV gets posted?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 8:12 am5
Sean Mcneill1/2 8:20 amThanks
George Lowell1/2 8:28 amTom, I cashed in two of the main event leagues plus Guillotines and some others. I assume a 1099 will be sent my way later this year as I am guessing Uncle Sam is gonna want a piece of what I got?
George Lowell1/2 8:31 amI guess the other question is one main event was paid in 2024 while the auction main event as you said will be posted today. So guessing I will have to report part in the upcoming tax year and today's posting will be reported in next years tax returns?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 8:32 amAll prizes paid in 2024 will be reported on 2025 taxes. All prizes paid in 2025 will be reported on 2026 taxes
George Lowell1/2 8:33 amRoger that, thanks, had a ball can't wait to sign up again for next year ha ha ha
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 8:34 amCongrats George :)
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:04 amTHREE spots left 4-hour $150 Best Ball Championship
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:04 amFIVE spots left 4-hour $400 Draft Champions
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:04 amFOUR spots left 4-hour Cultine
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:04 amCutline
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:04 amAll drafts start 30 minutes after they sell out
Earl Collyar1/2 9:08 amIf you purchase a MLB salaray (Diamond League) do you get to set your line up today or when the league fills?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:10 amYou can set it as soon as you sign up
Earl Collyar1/2 9:12 amPerfect, thanks!
Alan Lowy1/2 10:32 amDo I need to do anything to collect my winnings or will they be automatically deposited into my account at a certain date?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 10:34 amPrizes are going on accounts today. Here's the info that was emailed to everyone on Tuesday about the process
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 10:34 amYou can leave money on account to use for any upcoming NFFC (or NFBC) contests or if you want to remove your winnings go to your Account, select Request a Payout and follow the steps from there.
Alan Lowy1/2 10:35 amTY, didnt see the email.
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 10:56 amJust a note that the $1,600 online auctions for the Online Auction Championship are now listed in our lobby for those who can't make the in-person events
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:39 amWe'd like to extend an OFFICIAL CONGRATULATIONS to Mark Srebro and Jason on being our 2024 Primetime champions
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:40 amMark and Jason won the FIRST EVER Classic title way back in 2004 and Mark is also an NFBC Hall of Famer so this is a historic achievement for the two of them. Congratulations to Mark and Jason on this title and the $250,000 grand prize
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:41 amYou can read all about Mark and Jason's title on the Message Boards here - https://nffcforums.shgn.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=19311
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:41 amThat's Jason Emma.
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:42 amSorry about that Jason :)
Kim Mason1/2 11:44 amsent you an e-mail for your consideration - hope you got it
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 11:47 am4-hour $150 Best Ball Championship is SOLD OUT and starts in 30 minutes
Jason Emma1/2 12:17 pmTom No Problem !!! Thank You So Much!!!!!
David Brown1/2 12:20 pmAre Gladiators for Baseball sold out?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 12:23 pmYou bet Jason. Helluva job this year :)
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 12:23 pmYes they are David
Bryan Parada1/2 12:52 pmWhen will AAV be available? Wan't there an auction yesterday?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 12:53 pmAfter 5 are done
Bryan Parada1/2 12:54 pmThanks!!!!
Broc Miller1/2 1:02 pmdidn't reserve my contests for this year before January 1st, I'm screwed right?
Broc Miller1/2 1:02 pm(tax-wise I'm screwed, I meant)
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:02 pmProbably Broc yes. Sorry. We can't do anything about that now
Broc Miller1/2 1:02 pmOK
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:15 pmAll BB10 prizes are now on Player Accounts. Congratulations to all of our prize winners in those contests this year :)
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:17 pm4-hour NFBC $50 is SOLD OUT and starts in 30 minutes
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:23 pm4-hour $400 DC is SOLD OUT
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:29 pmFinal NFFC prizes are now on player accounts. Congratulations to all of our prize winners in 2024 :)
Scott Hagy1/2 1:58 pmAre there any orpaned keeper Baseball teams avialble, if so , is there a list somewhere?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 1:58 pmNo all sold out now Scott
Scott Hagy1/2 2:02 pmAre there any orpaned keeper teams available, if so, is there a list that can be seen?
Scott Hagy1/2 2:02 pmkeeper
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 2:02 pmRefresh the page Scott and see my answer
Scott Hagy1/2 2:08 pmthanks
Jim Delaney1/2 2:24 pmAre prizes for NFFC OC and Primetime qualifiers and guillotines still being processed ?
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 2:24 pmSee my post at 1:29 Jim. All prizes are on accounts
Jim Delaney1/2 2:25 pmThanks Tom. I’ll wait to see if they appear soon if not I’ll send you an email.
Jim Delaney1/2 2:26 pmSome prize payments have appeared others haven’t yet wasn’t sure if there is a delay
Tom Kessenich (NFC ADMIN)1/2 2:26 pmNo delay. All prizes are done
Jim Delaney1/2 2:38 pmThey may have ended up in my co-manager's account... thanks again
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 4:38 pm3 spots left -- next Best Ball Cutline with a 4-hour clock
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 4:38 pm6 spots left -- next Best Ball Championship with a 2-hour clock
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 4:38 pm6 spots left -- next $50 OC Qualifier with a 4-hour clock
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 4:59 pm2 left on the Cutline, 5 on both the Best Ball and OCQ
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 5:11 pmI posted our Discord link here yesterday and we added quite a few new members Here it is for anyone who might want to join:
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 5:11 pmhttps://discord.gg/RVe3Njy8
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 5:54 pm13 spots left for tomorrow's 7 pm ET auction
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 6:28 pm1 spot left on the 4-hour Cutline
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 6:35 pmCutline is SOLD OUT
Craig Williams1/2 7:27 pmEvening Geoff! Are there 2 hour Rotowire OC Qualifiers?
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 7:34 pmI will turn those on when we sell out the 4-hour in the red
Craig Williams1/2 7:38 pmThanks
Mark Gannon1/2 9:02 pmHey Geoff. Good evening. Would it be possible to trade out my non-CLQ $350 OC for a $250 12-team satellite? Thanks!
Geoffrey Stein (NFC ADMIN)1/2 9:06 pmMoney is back on your account, Mark
Mark Gannon1/2 9:10 pmThank you!
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:10 amGood morning everyone.
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:11 am$150 Online Auction tonight at 7 pm ET. 13 spots left.
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:11 am7 spots left. $50/50 team NFFC/Fanball Primetime Qualifier. https://www.fanball.com/contests/nfl/wdHyLgL/enter
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:24 amNFFC Post Season Hold 'Em contests are now just 8 days away. 3,6, and 9 packs available in each contest.
Tom Strassner1/3 8:28 amBoomer move. Realized I bought a 3 pack of $150 best ball championship entries when I mean to buy $150 draft champions. The draft just started for the first one, but would it be possible to get the other two (TBDs) converted to DCs?
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:35 amTom, I can delete them and then you can purchase DC's. We can't transfer between different contests. Since it was part of a package the refund will go towards credits.
Tom Strassner1/3 8:36 amOk, that works then. Thanks
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:41 amOk, I refunded them.
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 8:50 amFOUR spots left next 4 hour NFBC 50s. Draft will start 30 minutes after it fills.
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 9:00 amFIVE spots left next 4 hour RotoWire OC Qualifier.
Brian Bolf (NFC ADMIN)1/3 10:12 amONE spot left next 2 hour $150 Draft Champions - FIVE spots left next 4 hour $150 Draft Champions. Both drafts will start 30 minutes after they fill.
Las Vegas - Park MGM
New Jersey - Hampton Inn
$1 - $49
$50 - $99
$100 - $250
$251 - $500
$501 - $999
Best Ball
Salary Cap
Sit & Go
Post Season
55 seconds
1 minute
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
Post Season
NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em
Online: Non-Draft
Top Prize
Post Season
Mini Playoff Hold 'Em
Online: Non-Draft
Top Prize
$150 Online Auction Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 7:00 PM ET - 1 minute
Top Prize
Best Ball Cutline Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 7:00 PM ET - 55 seconds
Top Prize
$150 Draft Champions
Online: Fri 1/3 8:00 PM ET - 55 seconds
Top Prize
$350 Rotowire Online Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 8:00 PM ET - 1 minute
Top Prize
Best Ball Cutline Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 9:00 PM ET - 55 seconds
Top Prize
$150 Draft Champions
Online: Fri 1/3 10:00 PM ET - 55 seconds
Top Prize
$350 Rotowire Online Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 10:00 PM ET - 1 minute
Top Prize
Best Ball Cutline Championship
Online: Fri 1/3 11:00 PM ET - 55 seconds
Top Prize
Salary Cap
Diamond Challenge - Points
Online: Non-Draft
Early Savings Through Jan 15th
Top Prize
Salary Cap
Diamond Challenge - Roto
Online: Non-Draft
Early Savings Through Jan 15th
Top Prize


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